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About the Lutheran Church of Madison:


The Lutheran Church of Madison features:

·        Sunday Worship, 8:00am and 10:30am, year round which includes Sunday school and Adult Bible studies at 9:15 AM.

·        A Lutheran Preschool for three to five year olds. Call 203-245-8784 for more information.

·        Saturday Evening Worship every week at 5:00 PM. Special Lenten Services on Wednesdays.

·        Holy Communion is celebrated on the first, third, and fifth Sundays of the month and on Festival Sundays.

·        Youth and Adult Catechism Classes are regularly held. Weekday Bible Studies are featured throughout the year.

Other opportunities to grow in God’s grace include:

·        Youth and Adult Church Choir.

·        Women’s Missionary Guild.

·        Altar Guild.

·        Parish Nurse Ministry.

·        Christian Care-Givers Ministry.

·        Youth Groups.

·        Fellowship and Social Activities, such as dinners and parties, concerts and picnics, social gatherings and outings.

·        Service Projects which minister in our communities and reach out to help people throughout the world.


            We build our lives on Jesus Christ, the Church’s one foundation.  We believe that Jesus is the true Son of God.  He died on the cross for every single person in the world.  And we believe that Jesus Christ rose victoriously from the dead to give us the gift of eternal life.  All who believe in the Son of God receive God’s free gift of salvation.

            Our Lord Jesus Christ keeps us close to God.  Through Jesus, we receive God’s power to cope with daily life.  We can live each day with confidence, hope and joy.  We know that we are not perfect.  We confess that we are sinners who stumble and fall in our daily walk with the Lord.  But we also know that our forgiveness has been won and paid for by the Son of God.  As we repent and seek forgiveness, God richly forgives our sins because of Christ’s atoning sacrifice.  This forgiveness empowers us to live the Christian life and be disciples of our Lord.


          We believe that God is the Holy Trinity.  God is three persons in one divine being.  We believe that God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

            We believe that the Bible is the true and inspired Word of God.  We confess all people are sinners.  We live in a fallen world that has been ruined by Adam and Eve’s rebellion against God.

            We believe that God the Father sent his Son to rescue and restore a fallen creation.  God is love.  He offers forgiveness and eternal life as a free gift to all people.  “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

            We believe that the Word of God, Holy Baptism and the Lord's Supper are the means by which God delivers his gifts to us.  The Holy Spirit works through these means of grace to strengthen our faith.  Our congregation comes together as brothers and sisters in Christ to worship, to pray, to receive Holy Communion, to learn God’s Word and to have Christian fellowship.

            We believe that Christian education is important, and we provide many opportunities to grow in God’s grace.  We offer Sunday School, weekday Bible Studies, Youth and Adult Catechism classes, Vacation Bible School and a Lutheran Preschool Program.

            We believe that we are called to love other people in the same way God has loved us in Jesus Christ.  Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we seek to reach out to all people with the love of God.  We seek to serve our Lord by humbly serving other people.  


We invite you to come and be a part of our family of faith!



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